Why Meditation will make you a better Leader

Ah Yes- It’s no surprise that the days of ruling with an iron fist are out and leading with compassion and thoughtful communication is in. 

One of the trickiest parts of being a leader is developing your “multi-managing” skills.  Often times we lead our crew exactly how we want to lead them instead of leading them in a way that speaks to each person individually.  To multi-manage means to successfully lead a team of people who have different personalities and motives for working.  Key word here:


You might be thinking “I am busy- I don’t have time to cater to every one of my people individually.”   If this is you-  I will gently remind you that you can catch more bees with honey- and even more, with a little effort.  If people want to do a good job for you they will, and you will reap the many benefits of their work.  If they don’t want to do a good job for you- they won’t, and I don’t think I have to remind you that it costs way more money to fire and rehire than it does to just get it right in the first place.  

News Flash- Success of our team always starts with The leadership.  It starts with us. 

So, what if we as leaders develop the skills of multi-managing?  What if we truly connect with our employees which in turn brings on greater productivity, collaboration, and happiness in our workplace. What if we could find a way to inspire our people to be better and to do better?  What if our peeps, the ones who look to us for leadership, actually felt respected and loved?  What if???

Everything will change.  And I mean EVERYTHING.

So many questions:  Where do we start? How do we do this?  If this is the case- why isn’t everyone learning to multi-manage?  The answer is really quite simple.  The answer is:  it starts with looking at yourself, connecting with yourself, and learning to listen to yourself.  I have worked with leaders that want to barf when I tell them this.  They don’t want to waste time, they have things to do, they are busy, and “all this stuff is crazy hooo hooo anyway.”        

I kid you not. It works.

Enter: Meditation

Slowing down, getting calm and clear about you- where you are going, who you want in your boat on your travels, what that means, and what your next steps are.  

When you consistently connect with yourself, you are grounded. When you are grounded, you make better decisions.  When you make better decisions, you are a stronger leader.  When you are a stronger leader, you gain a fan base (where people WANT to do good things with and for YOU).  When you gain your fan base- magic happens.  You will experience improved productivity, revenue, profitability, customer satisfaction, and overall joy.  If you aren’t sure how to get grounded, check out this video- it’s a casual and quick 2 minute video designed to get you started. 

If you want to be a better leader, to grow, to learn, and to experience more success than you could ever imagine- start with YOU.  Leave your fears and look within to find that connection.  Once you establish your own personal connection consistently- then you can work towards multi-managing.  Afterall,  if you can’t connect with yourself how on earth are you going to have an authentic connection with anyone else? 

I will leave you with an exercise. 

1.     Hand write these words on a piece of paper.  

Perspective. Ideas. Vision. Solutions. Communication. Inspiration. Decisiveness.        Creativity. Compassion. Awareness. Self Awareness. 

Now take a deep look within- which of these qualities are your strengths? Which don’t exist or perhaps need a little overhaul? 

2.     Pick at least 10 people that you trust - people that are part of your crew, your tribe, your employees or co-workers.  This is the part that takes oodles of courage.  Ask your people: What am I good at? Where are my strengths? What do you think makes me a good leader?  What can I improve on?

I know it’s hard.  It is challenging, and a lot of work.  I also know that if you are reading this you are here for a reason.  You have the intestinal fortitude to go down this road and intentionally make changes so that you can learn to multi-manage and help other people be successful.  You got the guts.  Go do it.  Do it.

Please let me know how it goes.

With good vibes for successful leadership,





Empowering Change


Cray Cray at Christmas?