Empowering Change

Until the age of 11, I thought everything just stayed the same – consistent and easy, fun and sweet.    Then my dad died and our world was turned upside down.  That was when I learned my lesson that nothing stays the same.  NOTHING is permanent.  Not our jobs, our relationships, our income.  At some point it changes, everything always does.   My feelings and thoughts are always subject to change.  My weight, my hair, my face, even my teeth- yes…all subject to change.  On every single level of my being I see that things are meant to change.   To evolve.  To grow and to learn. 

So that brings me to the question:  What can we do to make sure that things are moving forward-  towards our greatest good and highest joy?

I have a few well researched tips for you...grab a pen.  Write these down.  Yes, my friends pen to paper please.


1.      Shift focus.  If you want something really bad (think baby, husband (or wife), new job, better health) shift your focus from WANTING it to HAVING it.  Check out the meditation here.  When we act as though we already have it,  all energy shifts and we do have it.  Make no mistake you guys, the Universe wants you to have everything you desire.  Write down what it is that you desire so deeply and how having that desire makes you feel.  

2.     Ditch the dead beats.  You know who I am talking about.  Those “friends” who actually don’t support you.  They might question why you are doing what you are doing or if it's the right thing for you.   If you have problems deciphering who these people are,  a simple test is asking yourself: Does this person have my best interest at heart?  Try not to judge the answer, the first answer is usually the right one.  ALERT:  I am not talking about making a big deal of this- don't make the phone call and point fingers saying "you don't support me.. you are such a jerk..."  Just gently steer your boat into a different body of water....gently and confidently.   Who are your dead beats?  Write 'em down.

3.     Detox- Too much sugar?  Too much medication?  Too much drama?  Too much booze?  Write down what you feel you have too much of in your life.  LET IT GO.  If you find you can't let it go on your own - ask for help.  

4.  Trust Yourself- You know.  You really do know .  Sit and be quiet and listen to yourself.  As a general rule- if your thoughts in your head are calm, clear, and come to you when you are still - they are your true and authentic thoughts.  

If your thoughts come to you while angry,  full of anxiety, or they go round and round in your head like a hamster on the wheel- they are not your authentic thoughts - they are thoughts usually found out of fear.  So sit, rest, journal, and write things down as they come to you.


Change is inevitable.  The world changes as I type this.  My face changes each year, the way we look at things changes as do our dreams and our goals.  Do not fear it my friends.  Empower the change.  Empower YOUR change!

Many Blessings,








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