a little STUCK?
To be in a holding pattern for a little bit is normal, natural, and often times exactly what we need to gain clarity and focus. However, when we get "stuck" and you KNOW that something needs to change in order for you to move forward and make the leap…it is time to get unstuck. It is time to move on, to progress.
Here is a step by step process for you to get unstuck: All you need is a chair and a room where you will not be disturbed.
1. Sit down. Place your feet firmly on the ground. Close your eyes. Place your hands on your knees. Now just breathe. (remain in this position resting for about 1 minute)
2. Keeping your eyes closed, inhale deeply through your nose and then push out a loud (sigh-like) exhale. Repeat 5 times. Inhale through the nose…exhale with a big sigh…etc.
3. Say out loud “where am I stuck” just sit and wait. The answer will come- don’t second guess it, just jot it down or remember it. If you don’t get an answer right away just go back to step one- try again.
4. Once you have your answer then ask “what is it that I need to know”?
5. Once you have that answer then ask “what is it that I need to do”?
That’s it. Easy Peasy.
I would love to hear from you- questions, comments, how it worked for you.