
    I am not even sure where I heard this quote

"Twos attract Twos and Tens attract Tens"

I recently spent my birthday with a group of High Vibin' friends. These are the ones who lift me up, support me, and energize me. I would say (with limited bias) that they are all TENS.

When I first heard the expression, twos attract twos and tens attract tens, it was years ago and it didn't really resonate with me. I just heard it, filed it in the back of my brain, and left it there.  Over time I realized that this is actually a Universal Law.

Who I think I am will attract who is in my life.

Think about that for a moment.

Who you think you are will attract who is in your life.

If you think you aren't worth having awesome people in your life, you won't have them. If you think you aren't worthy of love, you won't get it.

So, I ask myself....

Who am I? Who am I hanging around with? Do they inspire me or do they drag me down? Do they make me feel warm and fuzzy or do they make me want to scratch my eyeballs out?  Am I taking responsibility for surrounding myself with people who are going to increase the joy in my life? Or am I just going through the lazy day motions?

Here is what I have found.

If I am surrounded by people who are not aligned with who I think I am, it is because I am allowing them in my life. If I am allowing them in my life, it is because I truly do not believe who I think I am.  Sound tricky? It is in fact, a bit tricky - you can not fool how you really feel about your self.

You can not fool you.

So if you find yourself surrounded by people who are putting rain clouds all over you, it is not their fault.

It is in fact, yours.

I want to just take a moment and let you know that I am NOT talking about only hanging around people that are the same as you. That's just boring. What I am talking about is hanging out with people that lift you, inspire you, love you, and move you.

What you put out into the world you will get back. If you find yourself surrounded by people that are draining your energy instead of firing you up - you must change your output. Below are 7 things that High-Vibers do. 

7 things that High-Vibers do:

  1. They don't endlessly whine about things in their life. If they don't like it, they learn to accept it or they change it. They know they ALWAYS have a choice.
  2. They take full responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. They also fully understand they can't control anyone else's thoughts, feelings, and actions.
  3. They are able to recognize when they feel negatively and choose not to "slime" other people with their negativity.
  4. They create healthy boundaries in all their relationships. They understand that although we are all connected, it is unhealthy to become enmeshed. (and yes, this includes marital relationships)
  5. They ask for what they need and what they want instead of using manipulation tactics to get what they need and want.
  6. They live with and in compassion. (this means they have self compassion and compassion for others)
  7. They treat their body, mind, and soul with loving kindness.

Are you a High-Viber? Do you support and lift up those around you? If not, is it something you would like to start doing/being?

I believe that you are capable of being a High-Viber.  Most importantly, you DESERVE all the good that comes with Vibin' High. Don't wait, start now. :)

Sending you loads of love,





12 years Sober.


Perfectionism at its finest