3 things to remember when your life is spiralling out of control

Yes, I am talking to you.  Is your life a bit unmanageable right now?  Craziness happening all over- maybe you are in an up and down relationship, dead end job, addicted to something, struggling with your kids or dealing with aging parents or health issues.  I want you to read (and remember these things).

1.  YOU are in control of your thoughts  (unless you have wicked hormonal changes happening- then you aren't in control of your thoughts and this may not apply to you- it's true).  

I know that it's hard to think positive thoughts when everything in life is sucking harder than a vacuum- but think about it:  What do you spend your days thinking about?  Are you filled with worry, envisioning the worst case scenarios?  Replaying things over and over in your mind that hurt you?  Living in the past in the soup of your regret and remorse?   STOP.  You deserve better than that and if you have negative thoughts you will surely have negative feelings and those lead to negative actions.

2. YOU have choices  Have you ever heard of the "Victim Mentality".  Think of statements like: 

  1. "Just my luck, these bad things always happen to me"
  2. "I wish I didn't have to do this, but I really do"
  3. "I just can't seem to catch a break these days"

In the Victim state, the person is not taking responsibility for their life and their actions.  Perspective changes everything- get clear and take responsibility for yourself and your life.  Get help if you need it.  

3. What YOU give out, you get back  Give yourself a check.   What are you giving people?  Grief, tardiness, judgement, or maybe even dislike or disdain?   OR are you giving people kindness, compassion, gratitude, and love?   Check to see which it is.  

I actually love experimenting with this- I have had strained relationships where I have worked really hard and given loads of love and compassion and I kid you not- it works like magic.  It came right back to me.  Yes, it may take some time, but it always works. 

Listen, we all have crappy things happen to us.  We get sick, people die, relationships fail, we lose our jobs, regret something, argue with others, the list goes on.... and this, my friend, is life.  It's scary, messy, and lovely all at the same time.  You have choices and an endless supply of love- use them wisely.  

Things do not define you.  YOU define you.  Be the best YOU you can be, and watch the beauty of life unfold all around you!  

Sending you love and gratitude,




The Two Things My Parents Taught Me


The Rocking Chair Check