Strength. Positivity. Knowing. Resilience.
Take the plunge into this dynamic and beautiful community created for women who are ready to start listening to their bodies and learning new things.
Leave behind the feelings of dissatisfaction and that 'something' is missing from your life. Trade it all in for the feelings of connectedness, and the strength and courage it takes to live the life you were meant to live.
BONUS: You get to hang with people who want more for You, not more from You.
Hanging with us means that you will:
probably stop peeing your pants
decrease joint stiffness and pain
decrease your likelihood of getting hurt seriously in a fall (think slipping on ice, stepping off a curb the wrong way, tripping on that carpet)
reset and stabilize your pelvis so you have less knee, hip, back, and foot pain
get your brain working brightly so that you are more coordinated in your movements and clear in your thoughts
increase bone density using weight bearing to slow down the development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
understand how your body works
get your body to become efficient at settling after stress has happened
If all these physical benefits aren't enough, how about these mental and emotional benefits you could experience:
learn to choose love over fear
create boundaries
Declutter your life (literally!)
Accept where you are at AND still want more for yourself
Be calm in ANY situation
Stop gossiping
Get the courage to do the thing
How to help alleviate your anxiety
Fall in love with....
Make empowered choices that are good for you
Make space for the things you want
It’s super simple formula. You do the work and you WILL reap the benefits. THAT's how much I believe in this membership, that's how much I believe in you.